1 package org.ocltf.mapping;
3 import java.net.MalformedURLException;
4 import java.net.URL;
5 import java.util.Collection;
6 import java.util.HashMap;
7 import java.util.Iterator;
8 import java.util.Map;
10 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
11 import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
12 import org.ocltf.common.XmlObjectFactory;
13 import org.ocltf.templateobject.TemplateObjectException;
14 import org.ocltf.utils.ExceptionUtils;
16 /***
17 * An object responsible for mapping types in the object model to other language identifiers/types.
18 * (For example, Java, SQL, Jdbc, etc). The public constructor should NOT be used to
19 * construct this instance. An instance of this object should be retrieved
20 * through the method getInstance(java.net.URL).
21 *
22 * <p> The mappings will change based upon the language, database, etc being used. <p>
23 */
24 public class Mappings {
26 /***
27 * Holds the name of this mapping. This corresponds usually to some language (i.e. Java,
28 * or a database such as Oracle, Sql Server, etc).
29 */
30 private String name = null;
32 /***
33 * Contains the set of JdbcTypeMapping objects keyed by the 'type'
34 * element defined within the type mapping XML file.
35 */
36 private Map mappings = new HashMap();
38 /***
39 * Holds the resource path from which this Mappings object
40 * was loaded.
41 */
42 private URL resource;
44 /***
45 * Returns a new configured instance of this TypeMappings
46 * configured from the mappings configuration URI string.
47 *
48 * @param mappingsUri the URI to the XML type mappings configuration file.
49 * @return Mappings the configured Mappings instance.
50 * @throws MalformedURLException when the mappingsUri is invalid (not a valid URL).
51 */
52 public static Mappings getInstance(String mappingsUri) throws MalformedURLException {
53 String methodName = "getInstance";
54 ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "mappingsUri", mappingsUri);
55 Mappings mappings = getInstance(new URL(mappingsUri));
56 return mappings;
57 }
59 /***
60 * Returns a new configured instance of this TypeMappings
61 * configured from the mappings configuration URI.
62 *
63 * @param mappingsUri the URI to the XML type mappings configuration file.
64 * @return Mappings the configured Mappings instance.
65 */
66 public static Mappings getInstance(URL mappingsUri) {
67 String methodName = "getInstance";
68 ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "mappingsUri", mappingsUri);
69 Mappings mappings = (Mappings)XmlObjectFactory.getInstance(Mappings.class, mappingsUri);
70 mappings.resource = mappingsUri;
71 return mappings;
72 }
74 /***
75 * Returns the name name (this is the
76 * name for which the type mappings are for).
77 *
78 * @return String the name name
79 */
80 public String getName() {
81 String methodName = "getName";
82 if (StringUtils.isEmpty(this.name)) {
83 throw new TemplateObjectException(methodName
84 + " - name can not be null or empty");
85 }
86 return name;
87 }
89 /***
90 * Sets the name name.
91 * @param name
92 */
93 public void setName(String name) {
94 this.name = name;
95 }
97 /***
98 * Adds a JdbcTypeMapping object to the set of current mappings.
99 *
100 * @param mapping the JdbcTypeMapping instance.
101 */
102 public void addMapping(Mapping mapping) {
103 String methodName = "addMapping";
104 ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "mapping", mapping);
106 Collection fromTypes = mapping.getFroms();
107 ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "mapping.fromTypes", fromTypes);
109 Iterator typeIt = fromTypes.iterator();
110 while (typeIt.hasNext()) {
111 String type = (String)typeIt.next();
112 this.mappings.put(type, mapping);
113 }
114 }
116 /***
117 * Returns the JDBC type for the given model type.
118 *
119 * @param from the 'from' mapping, this is the type/identifier
120 * that is in the model.
121 * @return String to the 'to' mapping (this is the mapping that
122 * can be retrieved if a corresponding 'from' is found.
123 */
124 public String getTo(String from) {
125 from = StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(from);
127 String to = null;
129 String arraySuffix = "[]";
132 int suffixIndex = from.indexOf(arraySuffix);
133 if (suffixIndex != -1) {
134 from = StringUtils.replace(from, arraySuffix, "");
135 }
137 Mapping mapping = this.getMapping(from);
139 if (mapping != null) {
140 StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(mapping.getTo());
142 if (suffixIndex != -1) {
144 buf.append(arraySuffix);
145 }
146 to = buf.toString();
147 }
149 return to;
150 }
152 /***
153 * Returns the resource URI from
154 * which this Mappings object was loaded.
155 * @return URL
156 */
157 public URL getResource() {
158 return this.resource;
159 }
161 private Mapping getMapping(String from) {
162 return (Mapping)mappings.get(from);
163 }
165 /***
166 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
167 */
168 public String toString() {
169 return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);
170 }
171 }