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1   package org.ocltf.concretesyntax.impl;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.Collection;
5   import java.util.Iterator;
6   import java.util.List;
8   import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
9   import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
10  import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
11  import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
12  import org.ocltf.concretesyntax.OperationCS;
13  import org.ocltf.concretesyntax.VariableDeclarationCS;
14  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AActualParameterList;
15  import org.ocltf.parser.node.ACommaExpression;
16  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AFeatureCall;
17  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AFeatureCallParameters;
18  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AOperation;
19  import org.ocltf.parser.node.APropertyCallExpression;
20  import org.ocltf.parser.node.ARelationalExpression;
21  import org.ocltf.parser.node.ARelationalExpressionTail;
22  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AStandardDeclarator;
23  import org.ocltf.parser.node.ATypeDeclaration;
24  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AVariableDeclaration;
25  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AVariableDeclarationList;
26  import org.ocltf.parser.node.AVariableDeclarationListTail;
27  import org.ocltf.parser.node.PActualParameterList;
28  import org.ocltf.parser.node.PEqualExpression;
29  import org.ocltf.parser.node.POperation;
30  import org.ocltf.parser.node.PRelationalExpression;
31  import org.ocltf.parser.node.PVariableDeclaration;
32  import org.ocltf.parser.node.PVariableDeclarationList;
33  import org.ocltf.parser.node.TName;
34  import org.ocltf.translation.TranslationUtils;
35  import org.ocltf.utils.ExceptionUtils;
37  /***
38   * Contains some utilities for concrete syntax value retrieval.
39   * 
40   * @author Chad Brandon
41   */
42  public class ConcreteSyntaxUtils {
44  	private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ConcreteSyntaxUtils.class);
46  	/***
47  	 * Iterates through the passed in list and concates all
48  	 * the values of objects toString value to a StringBuffer
49  	 * and returns the StringBuffer.
50  	 * 
51  	 * @param list the List of objects to concatinate.
52  	 * @return StringBuffer the concatinated contents of the list.
53  	 */
54  	public static StringBuffer concatContents(List list) {
55  		StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer();
56  		if (list != null) {
57  			Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
58  			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
59  				String value = ObjectUtils.toString(;
60  				name.append(value);
61  			}
62  		}
63  		return name;
64  	}
66  	/***
67  	 * Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in operation.
68  	 * 
69  	 * @param operation
70  	 * @return VariableDeclarations
71  	 */
72  	public static OperationCS getOperationDeclaration(POperation operation) {
73  		String methodName = "getOperationDeclaration";
74  		ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "operation", operation);
76  		OperationCS operationDeclaration = null;
78  		AOperation op = (AOperation)operation;		
80  		ATypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = (ATypeDeclaration)op.getReturnTypeDeclaration();
81  		String returnType = null;
82  		if (typeDeclaration != null) {
83  			returnType = ObjectUtils.toString(typeDeclaration .getType());
84  		}
86  		operationDeclaration =
87  			new OperationDeclarationCSImpl(
88  				ObjectUtils.toString(op.getName()),
89  				returnType,
90  				ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getVariableDeclarations(operation));
92  		if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
93  			logger.debug("completed " + methodName + 
94  				" with operationDeclaration --> " + operationDeclaration);
95  		}
97  		return operationDeclaration;	
98  	}
100 	/***
101 	 * Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in 
102 	 * <code>operation</code>.
103 	 * 
104 	 * @param operation the operation for which to retrieve the variable declarations.
105 	 * @return VariableDeclaration[] 
106 	 */
107 	public static VariableDeclarationCS[] getVariableDeclarations(POperation operation) {
108 		String methodName = "getVariableDeclarations";
109 		ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "operation", operation);
110 		return ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getVariableDeclarations(
111 			((AOperation)operation).getParameters());
112 	}
114 	/***
115 	 * Retrieves all the variable declarations for the passed in 
116 	 * <code>standardDeclarator</code>.
117 	 * 
118 	 * @param standardDeclarator the standard declartor for which to retrieve the
119 	 *        VariableDeclarationCS instances.
120 	 * @return VariableDeclarationCS[]
121 	 */
122 	public static VariableDeclarationCS[] getVariableDeclarations(AStandardDeclarator standardDeclarator) {
123 		String methodName = "getVariableDeclarations";
124 		ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "standardDeclarator", standardDeclarator);
125 		return ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getVariableDeclarations(
126 				standardDeclarator.getVariableDeclarationList());
127 	}
129 	/***
130 	 * Creates a new VariableDeclarationCS from the passed in PVariableDeclaration.
131 	 * @param variableDeclaration the PVariableDeclaration that the new VariableDeclarationCS
132 	 *        will be created from.
133 	 * @param initialValue the initial value of the variable declaration.
134 	 * @return VariableDeclarationCS the new VariableDeclarationCS
135 	 */
136 	protected static VariableDeclarationCS newVariableDeclaration(
137 		PVariableDeclaration variableDeclaration,
138 		PEqualExpression initialValue) {
139 		String methodName = "newVariableDeclaration";
140 		ExceptionUtils.checkNull(methodName, "variableDeclaration", variableDeclaration);
142 		AVariableDeclaration declaration = (AVariableDeclaration)variableDeclaration;
143 		ATypeDeclaration typeDeclaration = (ATypeDeclaration )declaration.getTypeDeclaration();
144 		String type = null;
145 		String name = ObjectUtils.toString(declaration.getName()).trim();
146 		if (typeDeclaration != null) {
147 			type = ObjectUtils.toString(typeDeclaration.getType());
148 		}
149 		return new VariableDeclarationCSImpl(name, type, ObjectUtils.toString(initialValue).trim());
150 	}
152 	/***
153 	 * Creates an array of VariableDeclarationCS[] from the passed in PVariableDeclarationList.
154 	 * @param variableDeclarationList the PVariableDeclarationList that the new VariableDeclarationCS
155 	 *        will be created from.
156 	 * @return VariableDeclarationCS[] the new VariableDeclarationCS array
157 	 */
158 	public static VariableDeclarationCS[] getVariableDeclarations(
159 		PVariableDeclarationList variableDeclarationList) {
161 		Collection declarations = new ArrayList();
163 		if (variableDeclarationList != null) {
164 			AVariableDeclarationList variables = 
165 				(AVariableDeclarationList)variableDeclarationList;
167 			if (variables != null) {
168 				//add the first one
169 				declarations.add(
170 					ConcreteSyntaxUtils.newVariableDeclaration(
171 							variables.getVariableDeclaration(), variables.getVariableDeclarationValue()));
173 				//add the rest
174 				List variableTails = variables.getVariableDeclarationListTail();
175 				if (variableTails != null) {
176 					Iterator variableTailIt = variableTails.iterator();
177 					while (variableTailIt.hasNext()) {
178 						AVariableDeclarationListTail tail = 
179 							(AVariableDeclarationListTail);
180 						declarations.add(
181 							ConcreteSyntaxUtils.newVariableDeclaration(
182 								tail.getVariableDeclaration(), tail.getVariableDeclarationValue()));
183 					}
184 				}	
185 			}
186 		}
187 		return (VariableDeclarationCS[])declarations.toArray(new VariableDeclarationCS[0]);	
188 	}	
190 	/***
191 	 * Gets all the parameters from a AFeatureCall instance.
192 	 * 
193 	 * @param featureCall the featureCall for which to retrieve the parameters
194 	 * @return List the list containing any parameters retrieved, or
195      *         an empty array if none could be retrieved
196 	 */
197 	public static List getParameters(AFeatureCall featureCall) {
198         List parameters = new ArrayList();
199         if (featureCall != null) {
200              AFeatureCallParameters callParameters = 
201                  (AFeatureCallParameters)
202                      featureCall.getFeatureCallParameters();
203             if (callParameters != null) {
204             	PActualParameterList parameterList = 
205                     callParameters.getActualParameterList();
206         		if (parameterList != null) {
207         			AActualParameterList params = (AActualParameterList)parameterList;
209         			//add the first param if it exists
210         			String firstParam = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(params.getExpression());
211         			if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(firstParam)) {
212         				parameters.add(firstParam);
213         			}
215         			//now add the rest of the params which are contained in the tail
216         			List restOfParams = params.getCommaExpression();
217         			if (restOfParams != null && !restOfParams.isEmpty()) {
218         				Iterator paramIt = restOfParams.iterator();
219         				while (paramIt.hasNext()) {
220         					ACommaExpression parameterListTail = 
221         						(ACommaExpression);
222         					parameters.add(
223                                     TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(
224         						        parameterListTail.getExpression()));
225         				}
226         			}
227         		}
228             }
229         }
230 		return parameters;
231 	}
233     /***
234      * Gets all the parameters from a AFeatureCall instance as a comma
235      * seperated String.
236      * 
237      * @param featureCall the featureCall for which to retrieve the parameters
238      * @return String the comma seperated String
239      */
240     public static String getParametersAsString(AFeatureCall featureCall) {
241         return StringUtils.join(
242                 ConcreteSyntaxUtils.getParameters(
243                     featureCall).iterator(), ",");
244     }
246 	/***
247 	 * Gets the left and right expressions of a PRelationalExpression 
248 	 * and puts then into a List.  The left expression will be the first
249 	 * expression in the list.
250 	 * @param relationalExpression
251 	 * @return the left and right paranthesis in [0] and [1] of the String[]/
252 	 */
253 	public static String[] getLeftAndRightExpressions(PRelationalExpression relationalExpression) {
254 		String[] expressions = new String[2];
255 		ARelationalExpression expression = (ARelationalExpression)relationalExpression;
257 		//set the left expression
258 		expressions[0] = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(expression.getAdditiveExpression());
260 		ARelationalExpressionTail expressionTail = 
261 			(ARelationalExpressionTail)expression.getRelationalExpressionTail();
263 		//set the right expression
264 		expressions[1] = TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(expressionTail.getAdditiveExpression());
266 		return expressions;
267 	}
269 	/***
270 	 * Concatinates the type from the passed in name and pathNameTail.
271 	 * @param name the starting name of the type
272 	 * @param pathNameTail the tail pieces of the name
273 	 * @return String the concatinated name.
274 	 */
275 	public static String getType(TName name, List pathNameTail) {
276 		StringBuffer type = 
277 			ConcreteSyntaxUtils.concatContents(pathNameTail);
278 		type.insert(0, TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(name));	
279 		return StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(type.toString());	
280 	}
282     /***
283      * Gets the "real" primary expression, as opposed to the primary expression
284      * retrieved from the parser syntax (since it leaves off any navigational
285      * relationships). 
286      * 
287      * @param expression the APosfixExpression instance for which to retrieve 
288      *        the primary expression
289      * 
290      * @return String the "real" primary expression or the passed in expression.
291      */
292     public static String getPrimaryExpression(APropertyCallExpression expression) {
293         String methodName = "getPrimaryExpression";
294         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
295         	logger.debug("performing " + methodName + 
296                 " with expression --> '" + expression + "'");
297         }    
298     	StringBuffer primaryExpression = new StringBuffer();
299     	if (expression != null) {
300             //append the first part of the primary expression
301             primaryExpression.append(
302     	        TranslationUtils.trimToEmpty(expression.getPrimaryExpression()));
304             List expressionTail = new ArrayList(expression.getPropertyCallExpressionTail());
305             if (expressionTail.size() > 1) {
306             	//if it its greater than one, we assume the rest of the primary expression
307                 //is all of the list elements except for the last, so we'll remove
308                 //the last link and concatinate them together to add the rest of 
309                 //the primary expression
310             	expressionTail.remove(expressionTail.size() - 1);
311                 primaryExpression.append(ConcreteSyntaxUtils.concatContents(expressionTail));
312             }
314             if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
315                 logger.debug("completed " + methodName + " with primaryExpression --> '"
316                     + primaryExpression + "'");
317             }
318         }
319         return StringUtils.deleteWhitespace(primaryExpression.toString());
320     }
322     /***
323      * Gets all feature calls from the passed in APropertyCallExpression instance.
324      * 
325      * @param expression the APosfixExpression instance for which to retrieve 
326      *        the primary expression
327      * 
328      * @return String the "real" primary expression or the passed in expression.
329      */
330     public static List getFeatureCalls(APropertyCallExpression expression) {
331         String methodName = "getFeatureCalls";
332         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
333             logger.debug("performing " + methodName + 
334                 " with expression --> '" + expression + "'");
335         }    
336         List featureCalls = new ArrayList();
337         if (expression != null) {
338         	List tails = expression.getPropertyCallExpressionTail();
339             if (tails != null && !tails.isEmpty()) {
340             	for (int ctr = 0; ctr < tails.size(); ctr++) {
341                     featureCalls.add(
342                         TranslationUtils.getProperty(tails.get(ctr), 
343                     	"featureCall"));
344                 }
345             }
346         }
347         return featureCalls;
348     }
351     /***
352      * Loads a List of variable declaration names from the
353      * <code>variableDeclarations</code>
354      * 
355      * @param variableDeclarations an array of VariableDeclarationCS objects
356      * @return List the list of argument names as Strings/
357      */
358     public static List getArgumentNames(VariableDeclarationCS[] variableDeclarations) {
359         List names = new ArrayList();
360         for (int ctr = 0; ctr < variableDeclarations.length; ctr++) {
361             names.add(variableDeclarations[ctr].getName());
362         }
363         return names;
364     }
367 }